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Lila Price -
Visual Art, Design, Graphics, Technology Photography, Media Teacher. In my own practice, I am a Photographer and a Painter.
The background image on this site is from a painting I painted in 2015, for a Canterbury Art Teachers' Association Exhibition.
I am a Visual Art, Design, Graphics, Technology, Photography, Media Teacher.
In my own practice, I am a Photographer and a Painter.
Senior Art
Junior Art
STUDENT WORK: All references to Year levels refer to the Australian Education System.

Year 10 Painting
Callum Simpson

Year 9 Drawing
Jordan Safoa'i

Year 9 Painting
Paint Like 9 Famous Artists

Year 10 Drawing
Faith Leota - Self Portrait - Chuck Close Drawing Technique

Year 10 Woodcut
Self Portrait - Michael Leng - 4 Colour Reductive Woodcut

Year 9 Painting
Cubist Painting - Tom Unger

Year 12 Photography
Dion Dow - Excellence

achievement standard 2

2.3-2.3PHOTO DION DOW EXCELL_Page_19_edited

Year 12 Photography
Dion Dow - Excellence

Year 12 Design
Rhys Butt - Excellence

achievement standard 2

2.2-2.3 Design Rhys Butt excell_Page_24

Year 12 Design
Rhys Butt - Excellence

Year 13 Design
Charlie Tudehope - Excellence

achievement standard 3 pt1

AS 3.2-3.3 Charlie Tudehope excellence Design 2014_Page_25

Year 13 Design
Charlie Tudehope - Excellence

Year 13 Photography
Daiki Naka - Excellence

achievement standard 3 pt1

Achievement Standards 3.2-3.3 Photography Excellence DN 2014_Page_12

Year 13 Photography
Daiki Naka - Excellence
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